Jemmy's Place

Health and beauty lifestyle for women.

As if being a woman is not complicated enough, there's always a disorder associated with almost every part of our system. I’ve been hear...
Has skincare started to feel like rocket science?  Trust me, I get it.  I recently bought a skincare set and found a serum in it. At first, ...
Did you know that kidney dialysis in a month costs roughly N150 - N250k? That's an average of 2-3 sessions every week. Medications and w...
Are you passionate about beauty and skincare products? Are you literally obsessed with looking good and cannot imagine a life without beauty...
Are you still struggling with your weight loss journey? Remember that three quarters of the year is gone already. So if you really want to m...
One in six people will experience depression at some time in their life. Depression can strike at any time, but on average, it first appear...